Aquarium & Trophy Fish
Wow your customers and visitors with Osage Catfisheries, Inc's. high-quality aquarium and trophy fish from the heart of the Ozarks.

Unmatched Quality
Beautiful, Vibrant Colors
Flawless Bodies
Health and Vitality
The best of the Midwest's fish and aquatic creatures can be yours with Osage Catfisheries, Inc.'s lines of trophy, show and zoo animals. The animals are bred for strength, health and vitality, flawless bodies, impressive size and vibrant colors, and feature the broodstock and the reputation for dependable disease-free fish that makes OCI unique. We understand the needs of aquaculture professionals and we provide fish for many of the Midwest's premier aquatic attractions.
Osage Catfisheries, Inc.
- Largemouth Bass
- White Bass
- Bullhead Catfish
- Channel Catfish
- Albine Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Gar - Longnose
- Gar -Short
- Gar-Alligator
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Drum
- Buffalo
- Bowfin
- Sturgeon
- Common Carp
- Paddlefish
- Bluegill
We offer discounts on fry and fingerlings.
Call us for details on these fine fish!

Osage Catfisheries, Inc. paddlefish on display at Singapore Aquarium